[mmaimcal] Meeting next Monday...

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Fri Dec 10 13:19:23 EST 1999


We'll meet on Monday at the usual time.  There are back-to-back meetings
that day--ASAC at 11am, ALMA SSR at noon, DH at 1 and us at 4pm EST.
For your possible interest or comments, I append the agendas for the
first two meetings.

On Tuesday, the antenna decision committee met and recommended selection of
Vertex as the antenna contractor.  This is now pending approval by AUI
and NSF.

12m proposals are due 1/1/99, and OVRO proposals are due 1/10/99.  
Since 1/1 is a Saturday, 12m proposals will be accepted until 5pm EST 1/3/99.
You're too late for BIMA, IRAM and the CSO.

ASAC Draft Agenda Neal Evans, Chair  -Dec. 13, 1999

1. Confirm Date and Place for First Face-Face meeting
   We suggested Mar. 1-3 somewhere in/near DC. Can we
   settle on this?

2. How to operate?
   We need to discuss a bit how we will operate. 
   Who does minutes?
   How do we address issues raised by engineering groups?
     (via Project Scientists?, directly from technical people? ...)
     (subgroups to keep track of particular issues?)
   How do we get input from the larger community?
     (Announce our existence and membership in various forums,
      like star formation newsletter, AAS newsletter, etc.)
   How do we raise issues to the project?
     (Via Project Scientists? More directly? Reports to AEC?)
   How to speak with a unified voice?

3. Receiver Issues
   Are we satisfied with the Grenoble recommendations?
   If not, what do we do?
   What about bands after the first four?
   Can we allow 30-45 GHz in long run while keeping it lower priority for now?
   Circular polarization (Crutcher?)

4. Total power issues
   Nutating subreflectors, total power stability requirements
   (these seem very interrelated to me)

5. Correlator issues
   Responses to questions by Steve Myers.

6. Water Vapor Radiometer
   What is the path for making decisions on this?

Proposed agenda for Monday Dec 13th SSR phone meeting:

1) Short reports on each area 

 - observing modes/instrument control  

 - real-time operations                

 - operator interface                  

 - proposal submission and handling    

 - scheduling                           

 - on-line calibration, data pipeline,  
   interface to off-line processing     

 - data formats                         
 - archiving                           

Clear skies,

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