[evlatests] X-Band Sensitivity -- Superb!!!

Michael Rupen mrupen at nrao.edu
Fri Nov 11 16:08:37 EST 2011

Hi Jim --

> One question:  Would it be possible (or meaningful) to get these same
> efficiency figures from the six antennas with the Teledyne 3-bit
> digitizers?  It might be interesting to see if or how bad the
> problems with the 3-bit digitizers are actually affecting the bottom
> line. Are we even in a stable enough condition to do this with the
> 3-bit digitizers yet?

Our best estimate is that the best 3-bit samplers, with no RFI present
in the band, give noise levels about 10% worse than what we see with
the same tunings, at the same time, with the 8-bit samplers.  C1 is
uniformly the best of the four samplers (A1 C1 A2 C2) on a given antenna.
This is true at both C and X band, and for a couple tunings in each.
We are still waiting on Ku results.

Is this what you wanted to know?


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