[evlatests] referenced pointing

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Fri Feb 19 12:21:08 EST 2010

i have made two successful tests of referenced pointing.

1.  A collimation run was done a few days ago and looked normal.
Only antennas for which I expected large inter-band collimation
errors were reported with large errors.  The technique used by
the file is essentially referenced pointing: a pointing scan
at X band followed by a collection of pointing scans at other
band, each with the X band solutions applied.

2.  An explicit test was done today which consisted of
     o an X band pointing scan
     o a few alternating K band scans with and without pointing applied
     o a K band pointing scan with referenced pointing applied.

I have inspected the pointing results from this test and find the
K band solutions are acceptably small showing that the X band
solutions were properly applied.

If someone wants to examine the K band calibrator scans, the data
is in the archive with the name Krefpoint_003.  It is about 20
minutes of data, 4 subbands and 4 polarization products.

It is time for a test of referenced pointing using an OPT
generated script.

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