[evlatests] WIDAR Tests of 27 August

Michael Rupen mrupen at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 31 09:46:32 EDT 2009

>    0) The archive claims the observation is an hour long.  But only 12
> minutes of data were actually present.  Michael states that some board
> malfunctioned.  Why should this completely terminate the observation (so
> far as the archive is concerned)?

That's the subject of my flurry of e-mails on Thursday/Friday.  The system
should not be this vulnerable to single-point failures.

>    3) Antenna 3, in LCP on sub-bands 3 and 4, has a sharply tilted
> bandpass shape:  the bandpass slopes sharply downwards with frequency in
> subband 4, and oppositely in subband 3.  Subbands 1 and 2 look fine.

We have seen this consistently on all LCP data from this antenna --
see the status Web page.  At some point I'll check whether this is a function 
of subband or frequency; if the latter, we'll check with the old correlator
and then pass it on to the engineers.

>    4) Antenna 8 has a llarge-amplitude sinusoidal bandpass curve in LCP
> on all four sub-bands.  There is exactly one cycle for this -- with
> inverted phase for half the cycle.  It looks like a (very) bad lag to
> may eyes (or all lags are bad but one).

Again this is a known problem; see the status Web page.  The problem
is either with the FORM/StB for ea08-C.  Kerry is aware of this & has
some ideas for further diagnosis.

>       *** I strongly urge that we NOT observe low elevation sources in
> these tight configurations.  We have enough things to dig out of these
> data without worrying about shadowing effects ***

Fine, will avoid in future.  But for these first tests I wanted to
stick with known sources, to avoid _other_ confusions... :}


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