[evlatests] Ant 14

Rob Long rlong at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Jan 18 18:17:39 EST 2006

To all concerned,

      Kelly Greene called this morning as I was on my way to several 
meetings and said he was going to weld on ant 14's racks.  He asked if 
he should kill power to the electronics racks and I told him that he 
should and how to do it.  I always tell people to check with Pat/Peggy 
to get on the schedule and be sure they are not interrupting someone 
else.  I didn't see anything on the schedule, so I figured that we would 
verify that everything came back up when Kelly was done.  I then ran off 
to my meetings and did not let people know that Kelly was doing this; 
for this I apologize.  We either need to prohibit work on the antenna if 
not on the schedule, or come up with another way to communicate that 
work is being done on maintenance days (?)


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