[daip] 31DEC13, NOIFS problem

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Jul 8 14:56:25 EDT 2016

On 07/08/2016 03:34 AM, 정다운 wrote:
> Good morning.
> I discussed with my advisor about NOIFS. He concluded that in my
> research NOIFS does not matter considerably.
> For now, I will proceed to do my research without NOIFS.
> However, I am still curious about the NOIFS problem.
> So, I am wondering whether you have solved NOIFS problem and if you
> solved the problem, I want to do my research including NOIFS procedure.

Does NOIFS at your site do this on the data set you made available to 
me?  Because, on that data set, it works just fine here.  There is 
little I can do in that case unless you get me a data set that NOIFS 
fails on here.

I would think that running the correction task one IF at a time would 
actually be better.  The correction is a continuum one, so breaking it 
into pieces would make the correction track the actual frequency 
differences better.

I will be away on vacation July 11-16 but will be happy to work on this 
further when I return.

ERic Greisen

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