[daip] New Ticket - [!IFS-365733]: reading aips written exabytes without aips

Robert Thomas Zavala do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Mon Jun 4 13:00:59 EDT 2012

New Ticket: reading aips written exabytes without aips

A search of the knoweldgebase for "aips exabyte" came up empty.

I have exabytes written by aips of (primarily) VLBA data. 
The only tape drive I have access to cannot be accessed 
by my aips installation. Can you provide assistance with how 
to read the data off the tape and import into aips? The tape drive is scsi mounted on a machine with the RedHat Enterprise Linux 

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: IFS-365733
Department: AIPS Data Processing
Priority: Default
Status: Open
Link:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=1840

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