[daip] install

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Sun Feb 8 14:51:37 EST 2009

Yoshiaki Hagiwara wrote:
> yes, I continued the installation by hitting Enter key,
> but it seems that failed installation (see below).
> AipsWiz claims that FILAIP.EXE is missing under
> aipsroot directory,  but do we
> have to install it independently?
> BTW, how can we activate the cvs  for AIPS MNJ?
> I just allowed my machine remote-login for any users.
> Is there any other setups to complete the cvs for the MNJ?
> Thanks.

You have not given me enough information to make an educated guess as to 
what went wrong.

perl install.pl -n

runs the binary installation.  There should be a great deal of file 
copying via rsync including all of the executables including FILAIP.EXE.

source LOGIN.CSH     (for tcsh) or   . LOGIN.SH  for bash shell
cd $LOAD
ls                  (there should be ~400 files)

One can run the install multiple times without concern.

Eric Greisen

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