[daip] Re: Requested change to IMAGR

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Mar 2 16:58:36 EST 2006

When I did a large cube a while back, I cleaned a single channel at a
time but using a proc that defined BOXFILE='MYWORK:NGC6503.c-1 and
OBOXFILE=MYWORK:NGC6503.c where c is the channel number about to be
cleaned.  I had DOTV true and so with each channel I could adjust the
boxes to fit the new channel better.  Since it was an HI galaxy, the
adjustment from channel to channel was mild.

You could easily write a proc to add planes to the output cube a
channel at a time (or several at a go) with BOXFILE and OBOXFILE
adjusted for each execution.  I do not think a change to the code in
IMAGR is needed.  Note that IMAGR can make a big output cube and then
Clean a few channels for it at each execution.

Eric Greisen

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