[daip] installation problems

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Sun Jul 30 16:51:54 EDT 2006

Dan Harris writes:
 > Hi
 > Sorry to have to ask you....   I successfully installed binary version of
 > AIPS on linux/core4 earlier this year (in Socorro, with local help, thanks);
 > but now have problems attempting a binary installation of MACINT on my new
 > MacBook Pro (still getting used to the Mac system....).  The attempted 
 > installation was done on my laptop plugged into a cable at my office (CfA).
 > I am hoping that you can quickly spot all the things i have done wrong by
 > scanning my notes file, and a copy of .aipsrc generated by the wizard.
 > Obviously I have some problems with the name of my laptop (slarti), and I 
 > should have stuck with 'LOCALHOST'.  however, i think my problems are more
 > far reaching.  Also, I don't really have any printers installed yet.  Probably
 > should have done that, but i haven't.
 > Unfortunately I am off to Maine tomorrow (Monday), and will then have only
 > a dial-up connection.  worse still, the new Mac has no modem, so to get on
 > the web, I have to go to the library in the next town....  although I will
 > read email via my wife's laptop.

    If we can't fix it today I am not sure that you will have adequate

    The first place to look for things is the $AIPS_ROOT files
HOSTS.LIST and LOGIN.SH and .CSH.  The former should have both
LOCALHOST and SLARTI is it with the same SITE name (SLARTI) and same
OS name (MACINT).  The MNJ did not set up because it did not find the
OS type from the HOSTS.LIST for whatever name it is using.  Also the
FILAIP and POPSDAT did not run for the same reason.  You should have
a directory $AIPS_ROOT/DA00/SLARTI where files go and another file
     cd $AIPS_ROOT/DA00
so that the two choices for LAPTOP in the LOGIN.{SH,CSH} files are

     It thinks you were host DHCP152-235 so you will probably find
that name in HOSTS.LIST and DA00/DADEVS.LIST and DA00/NETSP.  Change
them to LOCALHOST and change the LOGIN files to say LAPTOP='YES'.
Check the data areas to make sure you have LOCALHOST_1 et al. defined
(links to slarti are fine).

 > +  DHCP152-235  MACINT   SLARTI        NONE Put description here
Change to
 > +  DHCP152-235  MACINT   SLARTI        NONE Put description here
 > +  SLARTI       MACINT   SLARTI        NONE

You need to update /etc/services to include aips services (and delete
some extraneous ones that use "our" numbers)

sssin           5000/tcp        SSSIN      # AIPS TV server
ssslock         5002/tcp        SSSLOCK    # AIPS TV Lock
msgserv         5008/tcp        MSGSERV    # AIPS Message Server
tekserv         5009/tcp        TEKSERV    # AIPS TekServer
aipsmt0         5010/tcp        AIPSMT0    # AIPS remote FITS disk access
aipsmt1         5011/tcp        AIPSMT1    # AIPS remote tape 1

To finsh the installation

source LOGIN.CSH             (or . LOGIN.SH for bash shells)
MAKE.BMNJ                    and answer questions

8 2                          answer to FILAIP's question
                             AMANAGER is password if requested
0 POPSDAT TST                answer to first question
                             Hit Enter to answer > prompt

Eric Greisen

 > %%%%%%%%%%%%  copy of my 'notes' ***************************************
 > 2006 Jul 28
 > we have the wizard script, but can't figure out how/when to get the binaries.
 > we ran the script.... printers are some sort of things found locally at office.
 > seems to have grabbed the binaries after answering all screen queries.
 > ended with this:
 > sent 414 bytes  received 81664 bytes  32831.20 bytes/sec
 > total size is 79850  speedup is 0.97
 > *************************************************************************
 > *                 National Radio Astronomy Observatory                  *
 > *                         Authorized use only                           *
 > *          Violators subject to investigation and prosecution           *
 > *                        by Federal Authorities                         *
 > *                   This is a US Government Computer                    *
 > *                  Session monitoring may be in effect                  *
 > *************************************************************************
 > receiving file list ... done
 > CVS/Entries
 > CVS/Repository
 > CVS/Root
 > sent 123 bytes  received 917 bytes  693.33 bytes/sec
 > total size is 78  speedup is 0.07
 > rm: AIPS: No such file or directory
 > AipsWiz:         -- done.
 > AipsWiz: 
 > The AIPS Midnight Job is a way to keep your AIPS
 > AipsWiz: installation up to date.  It is secure, relatively
 > AipsWiz: easy, and can be done on demand or in a cron job
 > AipsWiz: (i.e. periodically, daily or weekly or whenever).
 > AipsWiz: It does require that you have the cvs software
 > AipsWiz: package installed on your system.
 > AipsWiz: This script will set up the infrastructure for you
 > AipsWiz: to be *able* to run the Midnight Job (MNJ), but you
 > AipsWiz: have the power to make it run or not.
 > AipsWiz: About to run 'MAKE.BMNJ '...
 > AipsWiz: This will generate a fair bit of output.
 > sh: line 1: /soft/aips/31DEC06/UNKNOWN/SYSTEM/CDVER.SH: No such file or directory

 > AipsWiz: Not good; no /soft/aips/31DEC06/MACINT/SYSTEM/SLARTI/UPDCONFIG found; did MAKE.BMNJ fail?
 > AipsWiz: You should investigate this.
 > AipsWiz: ==> Press <ENTER> to acknowledge:: 
 > AipsWiz:  =====> Generate system files via FILAIP/POPSGN...
 > AipsWiz: This will generate some output, including a copyright (left)
 > AipsWiz: statement and some prompts, but should end with a 'Done!' if
 > AipsWiz: everything worked...
 > AipsWiz: About to run FILAIP.  If this is a re-installation, you
 > AipsWiz: will be prompted for an AIPS Manager password.  The
 > AipsWiz: default password is AMANAGER
 > Cannot find /soft/aips/31DEC06/UNKNOWN/LOAD/FILAIP.EXE
 > AipsWiz: Error: FILAIP did not work, or there's a missing file!
 > AipsWiz: Error: This may mean that FILAIP did not work (it should have
 > AipsWiz: Error: created it and many other files in that area).
 > AipsWiz: Error: You can try running it by hand after (a) dotting the
 > AipsWiz: Error: LOGIN.SH file or sourcing the LOGIN.CSH file; and
 > AipsWiz: Error: (b) Typing 'RUN FILAIP'.  You will then be asked for
 > AipsWiz: Error: two parameters.  Use
 > 8 2
 > AipsWiz: Error: as the standard values.
 > AipsWiz: Error: You will also have to RUN POPSGN if that works;
 > AipsWiz: Error: Feed it
 > AipsWiz: Error: when it asks for Idebug, etc. and press RETURN when
 > AipsWiz: Error: you see the '>' prompt.
 > AipsWiz: Install Wizard stopping.  Current settings saved in ~/.AIPSRC
 > AipsWiz: Abandoning ship!  Goodbye.
 > ========================================================================
 > 30July2006
 > defined alias in my .cshrc
 > alias aip      "source /soft/aips/LOGIN.CSH; /soft/aips/START_AIPS tpok"
 > In the wizard, when defining data areas, I used /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_1  (_2, _3, ETC)
 > In order to get into aips at all, I had to add an entry or two to HOSTS.LIST, since
 > the one generated by the wizard did not work to get me into aips....
 > +  DHCP152-235  MACINT   SLARTI        NONE Put description here
 > with that host list in place, I got into aips, but it exited with a message about
 > no data areas....  so i changed  /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_1 TO ...../LOCALHOST_1
 > {and also in /soft/aips/DA00/DADEVS.LIST....but I note the absence of the file
 > /soft/aips/DADEVS.SH...or is it DADEVS.PL ... ??}.  I then got 'further into aips', but it still exited.
 > Here is what i saw
 > [LOCALHOST:/soft/aips/DA00] deharris% aip
 > You have a choice of 5 printers.  These are:
 >     No. [ type  ] Description
 > -------------------------------------------------------------
 >      1. [    PDF] NONE n 
 >      2. [  laser] psc1 
 >      3. [     PS] (no description supplied by installer) 
 >      4. [     on] PS poster 
 >      5. [     PS] psfast 
 > -------------------------------------------------------------
 > START_AIPS: Enter your choice, or the word QUIT [default is 1]: 
 > START_AIPS: Your initial AIPS printer is the NONE n 
 > START_AIPS:  - system name AdobePDF at cloop.local|Adobe, AIPS type PDF
 > START_AIPS: User data area assignments:
 >   (Using global default file /soft/aips/DA00/DADEVS.LIST for DADEVS.PL)
 >    Disk 1 (1) is /soft/aips/DATA/LOCALHOST_1
 > Tape assignments: 
 >    Tape 1 is REMOTE
 >    Tape 2 is REMOTE
 > START_AIPS: I am GUESSING you are at a workstation called localhost
 > START_AIPS: Starting TV servers on localhost asynchronously
 > START_AIPS:  - with Internet Sockets...
 > START_AIPS: Assuming TPMON daemons are running or not used (you said TPOK)
 > Starting up 31DEC06 AIPS with normal priority
 > dyld: Library not loaded: libsvml.dylib
 >   Referenced from: /soft/aips/31DEC06/MACINT/LOAD/ZSTRTA.EXE
 >   Reason: image not found
 > Trace/BPT trap
 > [LOCALHOST:/soft/aips/DA00] deharris% XASERVERS: Start TV LOCK daemon TVSERV on 
 > localhost
 > XASERVERS: Start XAS on localhost, DISPLAY :0
 > dyld: Library not loaded: libsvml.dylib
 >   Referenced from: /soft/aips/31DEC06/MACINT/LOAD/./TVSERV.EXE
 >   Reason: image not found
 > XASERVERS: Start graphics server TEKSRV on localhost, DISPLAY :0
 > XAS: ** TrueColor FOUND!!! 
 > XAS: ***  Using shared memory option for speed ***
 > XAS: Using screen width height 1270 700, max grey level 255
 > XASERVERS: Start message server MSGSRV on localhost, DISPLAY :0
 > XAS: sssin is not a service
 > XAS: Check /etc/services or YP/NIS services map
 > zssslk: tcp/ssslock NOT A SERVICE
 > XAS: Quitting NOW.
 > ****************** copy of .aipsrc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > # AIPSRC created by install.pl on Fri Jul 28 14:29:49 2006
 > #
 > AIPS_ROOT = /soft/aips
 > GROUP = admin
 > IS64 = NO
 > THISHOST = DHCP152-235
 > HOSTS = "DHCP152-235"
 > PRINTERS = "AdobePDF at cloop.local|Adobe PDF:PS~NONE~n psc1 at relativity.cfa.harvard.edu|color laser:PS~~psc1 _192_168_0_249 at| psposter_on_scribe_cfa_harvard_edu at serenity.cfa.harvard.edu|psposter on scribe.cfa.harvard.edu:PS~~poster psfast at relativity.cfa.harvard.edu|psfast:PS~NONE~psfast"
 > DATA_AREAS = "/soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_8:NONE /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_3:NONE /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_9:NONE /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_2:NONE /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_5:NONE /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_6:NONE /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_1:NONE /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_7:NONE /soft/aips/DATA/SLARTI_4:NONE"
 > TPHOSTS = ""
 > APSIZE = 20
 > FORT = 
 > CCOM = 
 > LINK = 
 > #---- End of AIPSRC file
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