[kdyer at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov: Re: [daip] trouble installing 31DEC04]

Kristy Dyer kdyer at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Oct 28 13:39:43 EDT 2004

----- Forwarded message from Kristy Dyer <kdyer at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov> -----

>From: Kristy Dyer <kdyer at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov>
>To: Amy Mioduszewski <amiodusz at aoc.nrao.edu>
>Subject: Re: [daip] trouble installing 31DEC04
>OK, new problems (but I think this is in INSTEP4, so that's progress).
>HELP!  No Defined data areas!  You can proceed now to run
>program FILAIP, but you may see LOTS of complaints about
>not being able to access the message file.  If you think
>there should have been some data areas defined, please
>check DADEVS.LIST or .dadevs files, or AIPSASSN.\*
>If you want to proceed, enter YES (uppercase) now:
>AipsWiz: Error: FILAIP did not work, or there's a missing file!
>AipsWiz: Error: This may mean that FILAIP did not work (it should have
>AipsWiz: Error: created it and many other files in that area).
>AipsWiz: Error: You can try running it by hand after (a) dotting the
>AipsWiz: Error: LOGIN.SH file or sourcing the LOGIN.CSH file; and
>AipsWiz: Error: (b) Typing 'RUN FILAIP'.  You will then be asked for
>AipsWiz: Error: several parameters.  Use
>35 -100
>8 2
>AipsWiz: Error: as the standard values.
>AipsWiz: Error: You will also have to RUN POPSGN if that works;
>AipsWiz: Error: Feed it
>AipsWiz: Error: when it asks for Idebug, etc. and press RETURN when
>AipsWiz: Error: you see the '>' prompt.
>AipsWiz: Install Wizard stopping.  Current settings saved in ~/.AIPSRC
>AipsWiz: Abandoning ship!  Goodbye.
>The weird thing is that the DADEVS.LIST looks fine.
>-- Kristy

----- End forwarded message -----
-------------- next part --------------
#;  Copyright (C) 1995
#;  Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
#;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#;  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#;  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#;  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#;  GNU General Public License for more details.
#;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#;  License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
#;  Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge,
#;  MA 02139, USA.
#;  Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows:
#;         Internet email: aipsmail at nrao.edu.
#;         Postal address: AIPS Project Office
#;                         National Radio Astronomy Observatory
#;                         520 Edgemont Road
#;                         Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
# This is a DADEVS list file containing a list of AIPS data directories.
# Refer to $AIPS_ROOT/DADEVS.SH for more information.
-  /local/data/lark4/AIPS/DA01
-  /local/data/lark2/DATA/CHOPIN_1
-  /local/data/lark2/DATA/MARCIE_1
-  /local/data/lark2/DATA/MARCIE_2
-  /local/data/lark2/AIPS/DA01
-  /local/data/lark2/DATA/MARCIE_3
-  /local/data/lark/AIPS/DA01
-  /local/data/lark3/AIPS/DA01

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