[daip] Re: Subtracting model

Amy Mioduszewski amiodusz at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Oct 5 11:22:08 EDT 2004

Dear Scott,

Eric asked me to answer your question.

There are two ways you can subtract the core.  1) subtract
a Gaussian model of the core (which I would recommend if
the core is unresolved); or 2) subtract a clean component
model of the core.  So, I gather you have tried #2, what
goes wrong?  I think you _might_ be running into problems
trying to just clean the core.  You can clean everything
and then use CCEDT to select just the clean components from
the core.  I've done this, so I know it works.

It just occurred to me, does difmap create a clean component
table?  That is what UVSUB uses.



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