[daip] Running AIPS from a PC X-terminal client

Ed Anderson Ed.Anderson at NAU.EDU
Mon Nov 17 11:36:28 EST 2003

We have just installed AIPS on a Solaris 2.9 machine.

Our student lab has Windows machines with Hummingbird eXceed which allow
the machines to log into the the UNIX server like an X-terminal.

AIPSTV will not load on these because it is trying (I think) to SSH back
into the PC's which is not possible.

Is there are way to contol how AIPSTV sets up it's display window?
(i.e., is there a command like  aipstv -display machinename:0 )


-- Ed

Ed Anderson,  M.Sc.                    Email: Ed.Anderson at nau.edu
Support Systems Analyst, Sr.           Phone:  (928) 523-7096
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy         FAX:    (928) 523-1371
Northern Arizona University            Pager:  (928) 779-8818
Box 6010
Flagstaff, AZ, 86011-6010              http://www.physics.nau.edu/~anderson

Staff Astronomer, NURO                 http://www.nuro.nau.edu

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