[daip] Running AIPS from a PC X-terminal client

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon Nov 17 12:03:10 EST 2003

Ed Anderson writes:
 > We have just installed AIPS on a Solaris 2.9 machine.
 > Our student lab has Windows machines with Hummingbird eXceed which allow
 > the machines to log into the the UNIX server like an X-terminal.
 > AIPSTV will not load on these because it is trying (I think) to SSH back
 > into the PC's which is not possible.
 > Is there are way to contol how AIPSTV sets up it's display window?
 > (i.e., is there a command like  aipstv -display machinename:0 )

There are several things you can try:

1. Using Inet sockets on the Solaris host:
      the windows machine (I will call windows) should have an = sign
          in column 1 of $AIPS_ROOT/HOSTS.LIST
      aips tv=windows:solaris

2. The above locks up the Inet TV for use with the windows machine
   making there be no Inte tv to be loacl to solaris.  One can use
   "local" TVs - up to 35 of them

      setenv DISPLAY windows:0.0
      aips tv=local

Note that all of this is described in the HOSTS.LIST file and in the
CookBook chapter 2 (or HELP AIPS in side aips or man aips outside of

Eric Greisen

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