[daip] Re: FW: LWPLA after AIPS midnight job

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Tue May 20 13:52:38 EDT 2003

I believe I have fixed things.

1. When I linked LWPLA to test it, there was an error message about
the contents of the $YSUB library.  I blew the old one away and made a
new one.  That seems to have fixed LWPLA all by itself.

2. There was a report from Australia about $YSUB/GINITL not optimizing
correctly.  This could be the cause of trouble with bounding boxes.  I
recompiled GINITL NOOPT on your machine (and finally fixed
$SYSUNIX/OPTIMIZE.LIS on the master machine).  Then I rebuild both
$YPGM and $YPGNOT program areas.

3. Despite the information provided, I found that the user numbers
which had plot files were 180, 181, 185, 189.  Logging in as them, I
found that none of them had modern adverbs set.  All had OFMFILE
adverb trashed when doing a TGET and all of them did not do a COMPRESS
to get the new adverbs.  So, on user 185, I did a compress and
otherwise cleaned up his adverbs to test the programs.  I did a KNTR
and several LWPLA's and all seem okay at this point.

Thanks for fixing the security wall to let me in.  I am happy to do
this sort of thing since I find it easier to mess with an aips setup
myself than top ask all the right questions.

Let me know if there is still any problem.

Eric Greisen

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