[daip] AIPS HELP

Patrick P Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Tue Sep 3 09:37:52 EDT 2002

Trying to tie up loose ends...

On Fri, 23 Aug 2002 11:31:28 -0600 (MDT), "Lorant Sjouwerman, NRAO"
   <lsjouwer at aoc.nrao.edu> said: 

> On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Andrew A. West wrote:

> #As for the other issue, for some reason, when I install AIPS on my
> #network, the DA00/HOST files only has SPACE.

There is a separate $AIPS_ROOT/DA00/$HOST area for each host.  The first
(master) one is populated usually by install.pl when it runs the FILAIP
and POPSGN programs.  Any others need to be created and populated by the
SYSETUP shell script (in $SYSUNIX and thus in your path once you have the
LOGIN.SH or LOGIN.CSH called).  Note that SYSETUP relies on a template
area $AIPS_ROOT/$ARCH/TEMPLATE/; this needs to have a copy of all the
files from a newly set up DA00/$HOST/ directory in it.  All SYSETUP does
is copy files from there to a new DA00/$HOST/ area or areas, and make
symlinks for the GR (gripe) and PW (password) files back to the master.

If you don't have a TEMPLATE area, try creating one and copying the AC,
BD, etc. files from wherever you have them (i.e. on the machine where you
actually installed AIPS).  If none of your DA00/$HOST/ areas have any
files, you need to run FILAIP and POPSGN on the master system.  A typical
DA00/$HOST/ directory will have these (output of "/bin/ls -F"):

ACD000000;  BAD001008;	BAD002007;   MED000003;  MED00000B;   TPD001001;
BAD001001;  BAD001009;	BAD002008;   MED000004;  PWD000000;@  TPD001002;
BAD001002;  BAD002001;	BAD002009;   MED000005;  SPACE	      TPD001003;
BAD001003;  BAD002002;	BQD000000;   MED000006;  SPD000000;   TPD001004;
BAD001004;  BAD002003;	GRD000000;@  MED000007;  TCD000000;   TPD001005;
BAD001005;  BAD002004;	ICD000000;   MED000008;  TCD000001;   TPD001006;
BAD001006;  BAD002005;	MED000001;   MED000009;  TDD000000;   TPD001007;
BAD001007;  BAD002006;	MED000002;   MED00000A;  TDD000004;   TPD001008;

> #the other important files.  I installed with just one host to start and it
> #does not have these files.  

Did the hostname change by any chance?

I tried to address some of the issues you had running FILAIP last night.
It would help if you determined what sort of filesystem your AIPS
installation (and in particular the $AIPS_ROOT/DA00/$HOST/ directories)
are served from: local, remote NFS (os type of server may be important,
e.g. Solaris, Linux, or an appliance like a NetApp; low end "snap"-like
network disk appliances may not have decent enough file locking support to
work well with AIPS).  Another thing I didn't mention is that the LOGIN.SH
script needs to be defined.  If (assuming your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or
similar) this:

         . /wherever/LOGIN.SH

does not produce the expected output:


then either the host in question is not in the HOSTS.LIST file, or there's
some other failure to define the environment.

On Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:57:24 -0600 (MDT), "Lorant Sjouwerman, NRAO" 
   <lsjouwer at aoc.nrao.edu> said: 

> #I tried this serval times but I get the same errors.


> Is $DA01 defined,

You don't usually have this defined in your environment.  The DADEVS.SH or
perl equivalent end up defining them during the AIPS startup sequence, as
the actual mapping of AIPS "disk numbers" to data areas may vary depending
on which host you're running from, your 'da=' command line arguments to
the aips command, and the contents of the DADEVS.LIST and NETSP files
(last two in $AIPS_ROOT/DA00/).

> is the $DA01/SPACE read/write for you as a user? ('chmod 666 $DA01/SPACE')

Setting it world-writable is probably less preferable than making sure
it's group-writable by some group (e.g. "aipsuser") which defines the list
of accounts who will actually run AIPS.  You also need to check on the
protection of the directory itself (and bear in mind you can't use "$DA01"
as it's normally undefined, even after invoking LOGIN.CSH/LOGIN.SH and
$CDTST).  Try this instead:

          cd /wherever/your/data/area/is        # for each area
          ls -ld . SPACE

This will show the ownership and protections on the directory ("dot") and
the SPACE file.

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 10:03:30 -0600 (MDT), "Lorant Sjouwerman, NRAO"
    <lsjouwer at aoc.nrao.edu> said: 

> so what are the output messages when you type (in csh)

> echo $DA00 $DA01

The DA00 variable should expand to:


> source <where you have your aips>/LOGIN.CSH

Only if your shell is csh or tcsh.   See above for bash/ksh/zsh/ash and
other bourne shell variants.

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 10:58:03 -0600 (MDT), "Lorant Sjouwerman, NRAO"
   <lsjouwer at aoc.nrao.edu> said: 

> #DA01: Undefined variable.


> #I noticed that is AIPSASSN there is a place to define a data area.  Should
> #I hard code that in?

No.  This will likely mess up your installation.  It's far better to make
sure the data areas are defined in the $AIPS_ROOT/DA00/DADEVS.LIST file
(and the corresponding NETSP file, for aips userid permissions etc).

> Normally that should have been taken care of by install.pl

Yes.  But you can hand-edit the files.  The comments at the top of each
go into some detail about the format.

I hope this info provides enough for you to diagnose the problem better.

				- Pat

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