[daip] Re: Shared memory error

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Tue Oct 1 17:51:04 EDT 2002

It is a bit hard to explain why one user does okay and another does
not.  There is in each user's home area a .Xdefaults file which can
contain parameters hoonored by AIPS' TV program XAS.  See HELP XAS
inside aips for information.  It is possible that the users who have
success have turned off the shared memory option.

Shared memory makes the TV function much faster.

The file /etc/system (owned by root) controls the maximum shared
memory segment which is y default 1 Megabyte which is too small for a
modern TV screen.  Add the lines:

* Large shared memory segment for 24-bit AIPS TV
* harmless on systems that won't actually use it, so generic
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=8388608

After a re-boot the TV should be able to use shared memory.  It will
talk about this as it starts up.

Eric Greisen

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