[daip] Failed to complie in INSTEP[34] on AXLINUX

Yas Murata murata at vsop.isas.ac.jp
Mon May 20 01:32:21 EDT 2002

Dear NRAO AIPS support:

I am installing AIPS on Compaq Alpha machine (XP1000), Redhat 6.2 Linux
operating system. We have already installed Compaq Fortran and Compaq C.
While we are doing INSTEP3, or INSTEP4, we see the link error as follows:

-----------------------------------------------------From INSTEP3.LOG --
LINK      :            /mnt/AIPS/31DEC02/AXLINUX/LIBR/APLSUB/SUBLIB \ 
LINK      :            /mnt/AIPS/31DEC02/AXLINUX/LIBR/APLAXLIN/SUBLIB \ 
LINK      :             -s \
LINK      :            -o /mnt/AIPS/31DEC02/AXLINUX/PREP/IMAGR.EXE
/usr/bin/ld: /mnt/AIPS/31DEC02/AXLINUX/PREP/IMAGR.EXE: Not enough room for program headers (allocated 6, need 7)
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
fort: Severe: Failed while trying to link.
LINK      : Status from /usr/bin/fort is 1
LINK      : Link of    /mnt/AIPS/31DEC02/AXLINUX/PREP/IMAGR.o
LINK      : dies from wimpy compiler
LINK      : Dies of unnatural causes.
COMLNK    : Link failed!
COMLNK    : Deleted    /mnt/AIPS/31DEC02/AXLINUX/PREP/IMAGR.o

Do you have any suggestions or advice about this error? I've already
checked web sites, but I can not find the answer.

I am sorry for bothering your time.

Best Regards,

Yas Murata

 < Yasuhiro Murata >   E-mail: murata at vsop.isas.ac.jp
      The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAPAN
      Tel: +81-42-759-8346 (direct) or -8399 Fax: +81-42-759-8485/-769-8949

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