[daip] Registration for AIPS

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Thu Apr 25 13:04:47 EDT 2002

Aaron Golden writes:

 >  - stops at FILAIP, and requests a password??

      The password for the aips manager as installed is AMANAGER - I
thought that install.pl supplied this (at least it does that when I
have run it).  If you run by hand FILAIP then you have to supply it.
YOu should not have to run SETPAR although it is good to check the
parameters - esp the speed parameter whioch should now be rather more
than 1 (the default when it says 0).

 > [agolden at antares AIPS]$ aips notv tpok

    why notv - the tv is the most useful part of aips I think.

 > START_AIPS: Your initial AIPS printer is the laser printer (mizar) 
 > START_AIPS:  - system name LP, AIPS type PS
 > START_AIPS: User data area assignments:
 > DADEVS.PL: This program is untested under Perl version 5.006
 >   (Using global default file /home/agolden/AIPS/DA00/DADEVS.LIST for
 >    Disk 1 (1) is /home/agolden/AIPS/DATA/ANTARES_1
 > Tape assignments: 
 >    Tape 1 is (no description provided by installer yet) on ANTARES
 >    Tape 2 is REMOTE
 >    Tape 3 is REMOTE
 > TVDEVS.SH: Assuming TPMON daemons are running or not used (you said
 > TPOK)
 > Starting up 31DEC01 AIPS with normal priority
 > Begin the one true AIPS number 1 (release of 31DEC01) at priority =   0 
 > AIPS 1: You are NOT assigned a TV device or server
 > AIPS 1: You are NOT assigned a graphics device or server
 > AIPS 1: Enter user ID number
 > and what follows requires a password.

     Only if you type user number 1 which we reserve for the aips
manager.  Any other number is without password (by default) - one can
add a password later with the aips verb PASSWORD.

 > How does one set up accounts within the aips system, if you
 > son't mind me asking?

      Any way you want.  Users here used to use their assigned VLA
user numbers and - now that they have a machine to themselves - they
actually use a great many numbers for separate projects.

Eric Greisen

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