[daip] question about dd command

Data Analysts analysts at aoc.nrao.edu
Thu Apr 18 15:29:20 EDT 2002

I'm not sure who to send this to.  Let me know
if daip is NOT the right person.

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>From hshinnag at cfa.harvard.edu Thu Apr 18 03:09 MDT 2002
Sender: hshinnag at toau.sma.hawaii.edu
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 23:08:23 -1000
From: Hiroko Shinnaga <hshinnag at cfa.harvard.edu>
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To: Data Analysts <analysts at zia.aoc.NRAO.EDU>
CC: Hiroko SHINNAGA <hshinnaga at cfa.harvard.edu>
Subject: question about dd command
References: <200111212125.OAA05020 at aspen.aoc.NRAO.EDU> <3CBCBCA0.C9D5CF49 at cfa.harvard.edu> <3CBE47D6.37E62A64 at cfa.harvard.edu>
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Dear Analysts,

  I have a question about how to read the data from DAT tape
when people cannot use "FILLM" command in AIPS.  I have
a DAT tape which I downloaded at NRAO after our data
reduction made when I visit you in Socorro last time.  However,
now there is no AIPS working properly on my computer.
But I have to read the data anyway.  I knew we can use "dd"
command.  On some article which is under construction, it
says we can do like this;

 mt -f /dev/nst0 setblk 0
 mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind                                     # rewind the
 dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=26624 of=/home/pecos4/aips++/file1.vla  # copy file
 dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=26624 of=/home/pecos4/aips++/file2.vla  # copy file

However, there are several worries.  First of all, the document is for
AIPS++ which I've never used before.   Second of all, I have 147 files
so that I don't want to copy 147 files using each command like the ones
written above.   Third of all, this document is not a final version.
  So, if you know a proper and smart way to read the data from DAT tape,

could you please let me know?

  Thank you for your kind attention, in advance.

Sincerely and Aloha,


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