[daip] Nits in the upgrade.pl script

Patrick P. Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Wed Jan 31 09:07:52 EST 2001

Some notes on additional testing of install.pl and update.pl.

  1.  INET/UNIX selection didn't seem to be effective, though it's
      possible my testing masked this (I did an install.pl followed by a
      "cheat" rename of 31DEC00 to 15OCT99 and then an update.pl).

  2.  The update.pl script unnecessarily rebuilds the utility programs in
      $SYSLOCAL instead of pulling them from the BIN area on CD.

  3.  The update.pl script also advises you to run the INSTEP2/INSTEP4
      scripts when this is totally unnecessary.

  4.  At least one symlink is wrong (AREAS.DAT; points to a filename where
      the version string is clearly missing:
      31DEC00/SYSTEM/AREAS.DAT -> /mnt/cdrom//SYSTEM/AREAS.DAT
      I need to see if this is just one or if there are more.

Apart from this, I think the CD is fine.  Both .pl scripts should be
modified in future as should CDSETUP to include the precompiled versions
of the MNJ utility programs (assuming they survive the scrutiny I need to
give them for other reasons).  And update.pl needs more smarts insofar as
the CD is concerned.

				- Pat

PS. Ernie is out sick today (as he was yesterday) so it's unlikely we'll
be shipping mass quantities of CDs in the next day or two.

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