[daip] UVFIX and MERLIN

Eduardo Ros ros at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Wed Nov 29 15:32:10 EST 2000

Dear Sirs,

We were trying to work with MERLIN data using AIPS, and we have
found a problem.  We have to change the coordinates of a MERLIN
archive from B1950.0 to J2000.0.  The task appropriate to do
that (we thought) is UVFIX.  The problem is that we do not know
how UVFIX handles with the UV-data.

We have applied UVFIX either with parameters UVFIXPRM=0,0, or 1,0, 
or even 2,0.  In none of those cases the UV-coverage (say, the 
positions of the UV-points corresponding to the different scans) 
from the UVFIX output is the same than from the input file.  They
are completely different (from each other and from the original

A look to the AN-table shows that the antenna positions have not
been changed by UVFIX.  Then the change has been done directly in 
the (u,v)-data.

We were trying to do all that to combine MERLIN and EVN data sets 
using DBCON.

Could you give us any hint of how to proceed with that?


Marc Ribo/Eduardo Ros

ros at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
mribo at am.ub.es

Dr. Eduardo Ros                  Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie 
Tel: +49-228-525-292                                   Auf dem Huegel, 69    
Fax: +49-228-525-229                               D-53121 Bonn - GERMANY
mailto:ros at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de  -   http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/ros/

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