[daip] aliases for aipsmgr

Patrick P. Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Wed Jul 12 13:04:09 EDT 2000

The NRAO-wide aliases table has an entry for aipsmgr that is used at three
of our four main sites:

  orangutan_pmurphy<1041> ypmatch aipsmgr aliases
  cflatter at aoc.nrao.edu,egreisen,glangsto,pmurphy
  orangutan_pmurphy<1042> ssh zia.aoc.nrao.edu "ypmatch aipsmgr aliases"
  kdesai at aoc.nrao.edu,ppm
  orangutan_pmurphy<1043> ssh sadira.gb.nrao.edu "ypmatch aipsmgr aliases"
  cflatter at aoc.nrao.edu,egreisen,glangsto,pmurphy
  orangutan_pmurphy<1044> ssh heineken.tuc.nrao.edu "ypmatch aipsmgr aliases"
  cflatter at aoc.nrao.edu,egreisen,glangsto,pmurphy

The idea for the alias was to ensure presence at all sites, and so that we
all know when something is going wrong at one of them.  I'm sure it's the
post-copying massaging of the "whoiswhere.als" master alias table that
causes the different entry at the AOC, but I propose we eliminate this
exception.  For one, Ketan is gone, and for another, I don't want to be
the only NRAO employee who gets the AOC aipsmgr mail!  :-)

				- Pat

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