[asac] Face to Face meeting date

John Richer jsr at mrao.cam.ac.uk
Mon May 22 11:36:22 EDT 2006

Dear ASAC,

Looking at the known availabilities of people, I tentatively propose
that we meet face to face on Saturday September 16th and Sunday 17th in
Florence.  I apologise to one and all that this is a weekend, but it
seems like the only opportunity we have to get together in September.  I
also apologise to Peter Schilke who can't make that weekend.  I also
know that Tony Beasley and Hans Rykaczewski cannot make this date. I
hope other JAO/Executive staff can. Leonardo has kindly agreed to host
the meeting for us.  This proposal will be discussed at the ALMA Board
telecon on Wednesday.

Are there any major objections to this proposal?

The only other option that I can think of is to meet in early October,
perhaps the weekend of 7/8th October.  We are holding a water vapour
radiometry meeting in Bavaria on the 9th-11th


so perhaps for some people this would be convenient especially if we
chose a nearby location (Munich?).  The Board meets November 9/10 in
Madrid so it would make writing the report rather tight.

But unless I hear strong opinions, I suggest we go with plan A - 16/17



John Richer      
Astrophysics, Cavendish Laboratory, J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE
http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~jsr  Tel: +44-1223-337246 Fax: +44-1223-354599  

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