[asac] Face to Face meeting date

Susanne Aalto susanne at oso.chalmers.se
Tue May 23 02:39:42 EDT 2006

Dear John,

Both the proposed September dates - and the
suggested October alternative are fine with me.

Best regards,

John Richer wrote:

>Dear ASAC,
>Looking at the known availabilities of people, I tentatively propose
>that we meet face to face on Saturday September 16th and Sunday 17th in
>Florence.  I apologise to one and all that this is a weekend, but it
>seems like the only opportunity we have to get together in September.  I
>also apologise to Peter Schilke who can't make that weekend.  I also
>know that Tony Beasley and Hans Rykaczewski cannot make this date. I
>hope other JAO/Executive staff can. Leonardo has kindly agreed to host
>the meeting for us.  This proposal will be discussed at the ALMA Board
>telecon on Wednesday.
>Are there any major objections to this proposal?
>The only other option that I can think of is to meet in early October,
>perhaps the weekend of 7/8th October.  We are holding a water vapour
>radiometry meeting in Bavaria on the 9th-11th
> http://www.wettzell.ifag.de/veranstaltungen/wvr/workshop2006/wvr2006.html
>so perhaps for some people this would be convenient especially if we
>chose a nearby location (Munich?).  The Board meets November 9/10 in
>Madrid so it would make writing the report rather tight.
>But unless I hear strong opinions, I suggest we go with plan A - 16/17

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