Tetsuo Hasegawa tetsuo.hasegawa at nao.ac.jp
Tue Jun 19 00:44:33 EDT 2001

Dear ASAC members,

Attached EXCEL file is a list of candidate science examples that may or may 
not benefit ACA.  It is an outcome of a brainstorming among Japanese 
scientists including Kotaro Kohno, Ryohei Kawabe, Ken'ichi Tatematsu, 
Naomasa Nakai, Koh-Ichiro Morita and myself.  The "Y" in the column under 
the title "Is ACA beneficial?" means a possibility that ACA may bring its 
scientific benefit to the program, provided that the object is bright 
enough so that the dynamic range of the image is not limited by statistical 
noise.  The actual merit of ACA needs to be evaluated more carefully for 
each example taking actual surface brightness and structure into account.

We hope that this list serves as a starting point toward our clear and 
objective evaluation of the scientific merit of ACA.

With best,


At 22:34 +0200 01.6.14, Ewine van Dishoeck wrote:
>In addition, the ASAC is requested to provide science examples for the ACA.
>Besides using the generic testcases from the model library, we need to
>convince the E-ACC on scientific grounds. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS TO ME BY
>JUNE 29.
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Tetsuo HASEGAWA, D. Sc.   <tetsuo.hasegawa at nao.ac.jp>
ALMA-J Project Scientist
Professor, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
Phone +81-422-34-3780 / FAX +81-422-34-3764

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