[asac] Correction and Request

Ewine van Dishoeck ewine at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Sat Jun 16 12:28:09 EDT 2001

Dear ASAC members,

One correction and one more request:

- Correction: Leo's e-mail address is: leo at das.uchile.cl
              Please send the Chile lodging form to him a.s.a.p.

- Request: New documents have been posted at the WWW site of the Calibration
           PDR in Cambridge in the last week. Please read these carefully.
           Those ASAC members not attending the meeting may want to send 
           comments before the meeting to Stephane or Al. For links, see


Many thanks!



    Chile lodging information

  ***** PLEASE RETURN TO leo at das.uchile.cl  A.S.A.P. *****



- I will go to San Pedro/Chajnantor: Yes/No

    If Yes: I need lodging for the nights of Sept. 8: Yes/No    
                                             Sept. 9: Yes/No

    Accompanying persons: Yes/No

- I will attend the ASAC meeting in Santiago: Yes/No

    If Yes: I need lodging for the nights of Sept. 10: Yes/No    
                                             Sept. 11: Yes/No
                                             Sept. 12: Yes/No
                                             Sept. 13: Yes/No
   Accompanying persons: Yes/No

- Any dietary restrictions:

- Any comments/special needs:

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