[alma-config]My point of view

Mark Holdaway mholdawa at nrao.edu
Wed Jan 30 15:27:39 EST 2002

> I repeat again  I do not speak about mosaic where as I understand now 
> the people multiply the PSF by PB?

That multiplication (not by the PB, but by the autocorrelation of the PB)
comes out of mosaicing.

> You wrote:
> >I don't understand why you are dividing by the PB?
> >In the mosaic process, you never divide by the PB.
> I repeat again  I do not speak about mosaic where as I understand now 
> the people multiply the PSF by PB?
> When we clean the component located out of the center of PB its pwer is 
> attenuated by PB. So to estimate the signal coming from the side lobe direction
> of the PSF relatively the signal coming from the direction of maximum PSF 
> we need to make the normalization.

This seems to me that you are saying you divide by the PB before
deconvolution, which is not done.


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