[alma-config]My point of view

Leonia Kogan lkogan at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Jan 30 15:23:43 EST 2002


First of all thank you for looking into this stuff.

I wrote:

>   The following analysis excludes the mosaic because I am not familia with 
>   the detail of mosaic

So I do not want argue about the mosaic case.

You wrote:
>I want to remind the group that David Woody and I both arrived at the same
>answer from totally different paths (the sqrt(2) wider Gaussian is the
>implementation of David's result, which I moderately disagree with, though
>I see why it is there), David from measurement orthoganality, me from an
>analysis of the imaging algorithms.  I also disagree with Bryan that this
>is ad hoc, I think it is rigorous for mosaicing.

I repeat again  I do not speak about mosaic where as I understand now 
the people multiply the PSF by PB?

You wrote:

>I don't understand why you are dividing by the PB?
>In the mosaic process, you never divide by the PB.

I repeat again  I do not speak about mosaic where as I understand now 
the people multiply the PSF by PB?

When we clean the component located out of the center of PB its pwer is 
attenuated by PB. So to estimate the signal coming from the side lobe direction
of the PSF relatively the signal coming from the direction of maximum PSF 
we need to make the normalization.

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