[alma-config]Data in Dave Woody's format

Stephane Guilloteau guillote at iram.fr
Mon Jan 21 11:54:32 EST 2002

Too late Adrian !...

    This is exactly the format I asked you two weeks ago. In the mean time,
I generated it from the move
you sent before, except that I used a total of 20 configurations (152 = 19x8
moves, i.e. 20 configurations
with 8 moves for each change), so if anybody is interested I can forward
that one.
    By the way, the rounding within the next meter may be problematic in the
compact configuration (e.g.
it will obviously lead to grating response). However, unless I am mistaken,
we have not received any more
precise coordinates. Do you have that somewhere ?

        See you soon


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