[alma-config]comparison of the boone's and kogan's compact configurations

Leonia Kogan lkogan at aoc.nrao.edu
Sun Jan 27 11:22:35 EST 2002

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Dear Dave and Frederick,

I want to return back to the comparison of the boone's and kogan's compact configurations presented at the recent CDR meeting.

You both do not see the side lobes of ~13% at the boone's configuration 
and I am strongly sure that they are there.

I think the difference is that we are looking at something different.

To clarify the situation I made another test yesterday:

I wrote the fortran task (beam.f) which calculate the worst side lobe inside of the circle of the given radius (RADIM) at the beam using the direct 
Fourier transform of configurations.

The configurations I used are at the attached files BOONE_PREC.COMP and 

The comparison result is given at the following tables:

                        BOONE's CONFIGURATION

Radius of the circle  ||   8   |   10   |   15   |   20   |   25   |   30   |
Worst sidelobe, %     ||  2.7  |   4.5  |   6.4  |   9.3  |  10.8  |  12.4  |
at NX0                ||  5.2  |   9.2  |  -9.2  | -14.6  |  -8.4  | -18.2  |
at NY0                ||   3   |  -1.6  |  -8.2  |  9.8   | -22.4  | -22.8  |

                        KOGAN's CONFIGURATION

Radius of the circle  ||   8   |   10   |   15   |   20   |   25   |   30   |
Worst sidelobe, %     ||  1.4  |   4.9  |   5.1  |   5.1  |   5.1  |   5.1  |
at NX0                ||   0   |   10   |  11.6  |  11.6  |  11.6  |  11.6  |
at NY0                ||  -7.2 |   0    |  -5.8  |  -5.8  |  -5.8  |  -5.8  |

The Radius and NX0, NY0 are given at the number of resolutio element lambda/D

Comparing the two tables we arrive to the conclusion that:

The kogan's configuration has lower side lobes than the boone's one 
inside of any circle.
For the radius >22 the kogan's configuration give more than factor 2 
advantage at side lobes

I see only one reason that both of you do not see the large sidelobes 
at the Boone's configuration: You look at the small radius near the center

How big the radius should be chosen?
It depends on the primary beam width.

Consider the circle dish with flat illumination.
The one side width of the such dish beam (at the zero level) is 

1.2*lambda/d, where d is the dish diameter 

For a tapered illumination the primary beam will be wider.

The radius of the side lobes optimization shoud be at least twise bigger
(check this statement with Mark Holdaway)

So :

Radius *lamda/D > 2.4*lambda/d  => Radius >2.4 * D/d {D=150, d=12} = 30

I am looking forward to here you


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X-Sun-Data-Name: beam.f
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C calculate the beam shape to check BOONE
C Report maximum value of the side lobes
      REAL XARR(100), YARR(100), D, NX, NY, NX0, NY0, X, Y, RE, IM, ARG,
      TWOPI = 2 * 3.141592
C                                       D is diameter of the array
      D = 200
C                                       The beam size is NPOINT*NPOINT
C                                       pixels. The pixel size is 0.2
      NPOINT = 400
C                                       RADIM is maximum radius at the
C                                       beam plane
      RADIM = 40
      DO 100 I = 1, 100
         READ(8,1000, END=200) X, Y
         XARR(I) = X
         YARR(I) = Y
         PRINT 2000,  X, Y
  100    CONTINUE
  200    CONTINUE
      NANT = I-1
      PRINT 2100, NANT
 2100 FORMAT('NANT=', I3)
C                                       calculate the beam
      NX = -0.2 * (NPOINT/2)
      BEMMAX = 0
      DO 500 I = 1, NPOINT
         NX = NX + 0.2
         NY = -0.2 * (NPOINT/2)
         DO 400 K = 1, NPOINT
            NY = NY + 0.2
            RADI = SQRT(NX*NX+NY*NY)
C                                       take the point not more far
C                                       than RADIM
            IF (RADI .GT. RADIM) GO TO 400
C                                       exclude the main lobe
            IF ((ABS(NY) .LT. 5).AND.  (ABS(NX) .LT. 5)) GO TO 400
            RE = 0
            IM = 0
            DO 300 IANT = 1, NANT
               ARG = TWOPI/D *(XARR(IANT)*NX + YARR(IANT)*NY)
               RE = RE + COS(ARG)
               IM = IM + SIN(ARG)
  300          CONTINUE
            BEAM = (RE*RE + IM*IM) 
            IF (BEAM .GT. BEMMAX) THEN
               BEMMAX = BEAM
               NX0 = NX
               NY0 = NY
               END IF               
  400       CONTINUE
  500    CONTINUE
      PRINT 3000, BEMMAX/(NANT*NANT), NX0, NY0

 1000 FORMAT (1X, 2F20.4)
 1100 FORMAT (1X)
 2000 FORMAT (2F20.4)
 3000 FORMAT ('WORST SIDELOBE = ',F5.3, ' at NX0=', F5.1, ' NY0=', F5.1)
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              8.8000             25.5000
             21.9000             18.5000
             19.7000            -17.0000
             33.3000              4.0000
              2.0000              6.5000
            -12.5000             10.5000
             10.4000             75.0000
              8.8000             44.0000
             42.7000             30.0000
             -9.9000            -30.0000
             -9.4000            103.0000
             -9.3000             50.5000
            -28.0000             20.5000
             53.6000              0.0000
             -8.8000            -13.5000
            -46.1000            -27.5000
             31.0000             44.0000
             38.0000            -31.0000
             53.3000             77.5000
             34.8000            -46.5000
            -30.2000             92.0000
            -38.0000            -59.5000
             55.1000            -43.0000
            -13.4000             74.0000
            -56.0000            -70.0000
             31.9000             68.0000
            -18.5000            -92.0000
             20.3000           -117.0000
             95.6000             44.5000
            -61.7000            -12.0000
            -50.2000              3.5000
             89.6000            -19.0000
             80.9000            -55.5000
            -77.6000             45.5000
             67.4000             38.0000
             74.1000            -87.0000
             34.2000            -99.5000
            -53.3000             39.5000
            -57.4000            -86.0000
             60.8000             93.5000
            -34.0000             70.5000
             21.7000            -71.5000
            -17.8000            -72.5000
            -68.6000             64.5000
            -84.5000            -47.0000
             90.6000            -68.5000
             86.5000             64.0000
            106.8000             -9.0000
             37.6000            109.5000
              2.2000           -115.5000
            104.3000            -33.5000
            -67.8000             34.5000
            102.7000             25.5000
            -93.0000             -7.5000
             79.4000             14.5000
             48.7000           -109.0000
            -89.4000            -29.5000
            -28.2000           -105.0000
            -45.5000             90.0000
             22.0000            112.0000
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X-Sun-Data-Name: ME.COMP
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             14.2265              7.4870
             -0.4220             16.5627
            -12.1719              7.1481
            -13.6723             -7.8371
             -0.6269            -15.3959
             14.8396             -7.5614
             32.9233             15.4204
             23.0126             29.0508
              4.1336             38.8459
            -14.5751             35.3757
            -25.4759             24.9646
            -34.0368              9.3620
            -35.7428             -9.2282
            -24.7265            -24.4414
            -13.4898            -37.0765
              5.8720            -38.6858
             25.6068            -28.5523
             34.4240            -15.2932
             51.4067             16.5135
             40.7448             33.8753
             27.0506             47.5831
              8.0447             53.4102
            -14.7077             53.0211
            -32.6402             44.2188
            -45.6393             28.3237
            -52.6238             12.8971
            -51.2437            -13.1306
            -46.3939            -29.2189
            -32.7927            -42.7468
            -15.0102            -52.4185
              9.4055            -53.9149
             26.7383            -47.4250
             41.0120            -35.2068
             51.9974            -17.7205
             71.1450             16.8261
             64.9417             34.0098
             55.0806             50.5427
             42.0238             58.4340
             26.2243             69.4841
             10.1774             70.3779
             -7.7999             73.6784
            -21.8604             67.7796
            -37.1165             63.9438
            -49.7209             51.1936
            -59.2943             39.3131
            -68.6773             25.0682
            -71.4957              6.8180
            -72.4198             -8.2717
            -69.2177            -25.2670
            -59.3903            -40.5126
            -48.8020            -51.4030
            -35.3966            -64.2502
            -20.7548            -68.4010
             -6.2891            -73.3952
             10.4747            -70.3164
             28.4021            -66.7164
             41.7221            -58.9202
             56.5840            -46.9224
             66.2943            -33.2410
             71.7598            -18.4668

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