[evlatests] Results from new 'RFI Sweep' -- big new C-band interferor.

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Thu Jul 18 11:48:25 EDT 2013

    Ken ran the 'RFI Sweep' script a couple days ago.  This gives 125 
kHz spectral resolution from 1 to 50 GHz, in 1 GHz-wide steps. 

    I've quickly reviewed the results -- there is little change from 
previous sweeps in general, with a single unhappy exception.  We found, 
for the first time, a very strong RFI band spanning 30 MHz in C-band:  
from 6182 to 6232 MHz.  The signal is about 23 dB above the thermal 
noise with 125 kHz resolution.    It looks like another microwave link. 

    eps plots can be found in /users/rperley/RFI/17Jul2013.  Names with 
'ZOOM' indicate single 128 MHz subbands within the frequency range (in 
GHz) given by the numbers. 

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