[Difx-users] VDIF Benchmarking {External}

Paul Harrison paul.harrison at manchester.ac.uk
Mon Nov 29 13:44:17 EST 2021


I am trying to do some benchmarking of DiFX 2.6.2 with the aim of sizing a cluster for e-MERLIN - I am attempting to run some VDIF tests on a cluster that I have access to with some 1Gb/s interfaces - so I am using as my starting point a 1Gb/s EVN NME - eMERLIN usually supplies VDIF a single 64MHz IF band 2 bit sampled with 2 threads. I am trying to send live VDIF with vlbi_fake

vlbi_fake -H ${ip[$i]} -year 2020 -dayno 305 -time 11:07:00 -novtp -p 12345 -bandwidth 64 -framesize 5000  -udp 5000 -vdif -d 300 -b 2 -nthread 2

but mpifxcorr just sits there - well it says things like

2021-11-29 18:11:46,181 DiFXAlert INFO    MPI[-1] compute-0-12.local libmark6sg   libmark6sg started

when it detects that the stream has started - I think that I have got the frame sizes correct as when they were not correct mpifxcorr was saying so (I had started with the “default” 5000 and then noticed that vlbi_fake was announcing that it was doing a framesize of 4096)

I enclose the contol files, and I would be grateful if anyone has any tips for getting this to run


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