[Difx-users] Synthetic Tests issue

David Munton dmunton at arlut.utexas.edu
Sun Feb 14 15:36:19 EST 2021

    A co-worker and I have been learning how to install and use DiFX and
we ran into an small issue with the Synthetic tests located in the
/tests/Synthetic directory.  Since I haven't seen this reported I 
thought I would pass
along the issue and the solution.

Symptoms: When the createData.sh and then run-all.sh scripts are run,
the output fits files are all about 85kB in size and contain an empty UV 
data array.
The corresponding files in the *.difx directories are all 0 bytes in 
size. errormon2 only
shows INFO and VERBOSE messages, and the applications run without error.
This behavior only appeared recently.

Solution:  There appears to be an incompatibility in the time used in the
generateVDIF call, which by default is "now", and one of the underlying 
The solution is to modify the createData.sh script to add the keywork 
"-year 2020"
to each generateVDIF call.   Doing so then generates more appropriately 
fits files.


*  David Munton
*  Applied Research Laboratories
*  The University of Texas at Austin
*  dmunton at utexas.edu

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