[comm]The network

Gareth Hunt ghunt at NRAO.EDU
Mon Jan 7 16:57:33 EST 2002


We need to prepare for an RFP to replace our existing contract with AT&T
for the intranet.  I'd like to ensure that we are doing sensible things,
so I'd like to discuss what we should plan in the way of upgrades while
we are doing this.  Attached is my summary (corrected by Gene) of our
present connectivity as a background to this discussion.

The present NRAO intranet contract has a Monthly Recurring Cost (MRC) of
~$12k (plus a couple of reimbursable charges from AUI and BIMA for other
circuits).  Of this, ~$2.7k is for St. Croix alone.

We will almost certainly have to extend the existing contract beyond
February 28, 2002 while we prepare and bid out an RFP for a replacement.

What we have:

      AT&T contract   Other Contracts                MRC
      =============   ===============               =====
  CV    2xT1
  GB      T1
  SOC   2xT1          T1 - data to VLA              $1300
                      T1 - voice to VLA             $1300
  TUC     T1

  BR      56k
  FD      56k
  HN      56k
  NL      56k
  OV      56k
  SC      56k

  AUI     128k

  PT                   56k ckt from PT to VLA        $250
  MK                   56k ckt from MKHP to MK      ~$500
  KP                   56k ckt to DS3 ckt router       $0

  LA                   56k ckt to Los Alamos ?         ??

What we would like:

  CV     DS3 (aka T3; 45Mbps)
  GB     DS3
  SOC    DS3
  TUC    DS3
  VLA    DS3

  All other sites to T1

What we must have:

  SOC                  +1xT1 - to VLA site for ALMA TI

  We are pursuing the possibility of a DS3 to replace the two existing
  circuits.  The MRC is uncertain, perhaps $5k; so an increase of
  ~$30k/yr.  Unknown at present is the cost of the needed interface
  equipment, router cards, etc.  Voice on one channel.

  Note: this is independent of the intranet contract.

Option 1:

  Upgrade AUI to T1.  An increase has been approved by AUI.  They ship
  multi-MB files between the director's office and the AUI office.  When
  they do so over the present 128k circuit, it is unacceptably slow.

  With the present contract, one way to do this is:

  CV     +1xT1
  AUI    +1xT1

  Rough est. cost $5k for router cards, etc.; $25k/yr for additional T1
  services.  The cost of this is *not* borne by the NRAO directly.

Option 2:

  Add additional T1 to GB

  Rough cost as per Option 1.

  However, we would probably share the additional T1 in CV between AUI
  and GB.  So cost of Options 1 + 2 would be roughly $7k plus $38k/yr.

Option 3:

  Upgrade all VLBA sites to T1.  The VLBA field technicians now have a
  need to access many more services at the AOC.  The present 56k circuit
  with only a 16k Committed Information Rate (CIR) is inadequate.

Option 3a:

  Upgrade BR, FD, HN, NL, OV to T1
  Add T1 in SOC
  Distribute PVCs over existing and new T1s

  Rough est. cost $20k for router cards, replacement routers, etc.;
  $80k/yr for additional T1 services.

Option 3b:

  KP - negotiate locally       ? $(few)k upgrade to T1
  LA - ? negotiate locally ?
  MK - negotiate locally       T1 service from Mid-level
  PT - negotiate locally       T1 service via Western NM
  SC - any alternatives?

Option 4:

  Upgrade CV, GB, SOC, TUC to DS3.

Intranet RFP should ask for:

  Prices for each of the above options such that we can pick and choose
  the combination we can afford.


  We presently have frame relay service, which is configured similarly
  to the underlying ATM services.  Qwest or others may configure the
  network using VPNs or dynamic PVCs which mean we must properly specify
  QoS, delay, and jitter.

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