
Arnold Rots arots at
Fri Jun 27 14:34:13 EDT 1997

Here is another round of modifications, based on discussions
with Barry and Don.

  - Arnold


Proposed changes to the DATExxxx proposal,
version dated 1997-06-25


1. Insert the following sentence at the beginning of section 1:
"Although this document formally defines the format of the value
field of the DATE-OBS keyword, the same format is recommended for
all other keywords specifying date and time which we shall refer
to collectively as DATExxxx."

2. Replace in section 3.2:
"'T' is the time designator."
"The literal 'T' is the ISO 8601 time designator."

3. Replace in section 3.2:
"The decimal point character is an ASCII full-stop."
"The decimal point character is an ASCII full-stop (hexadecimal value 0x2E)."

4. Replace in section 4.4:
"The value of the DATExxxx keywords shall be expressed in the time
   scale or time system that is dominant in the HDU."
"The value of the DATExxxx keywords shall be expressed in the principal
   time scale or time system of the HDU to which they belong."

5. Add in section 7.1:
"IAT  International Atomic Time; deprecated synonym of TAI."

6. Replace in section 7.6:
"   The VLBA project has adopted a convention where the keyword TIMSYS, rather
   than TIMESYS, is used."
"   The VLBA project has adopted a convention where the keyword TIMSYS, rather
   than TIMESYS, is used, currently allowing the values UTC and IAT."

> --------------------------------%<----------------------------------------
> Proposed changes to the DATExxxx proposal,
> version dated 1997-06-25
> 1997-06-26
> 1. Insert the following sentence at the beginning of section 1:
> "Although this document explicitly addresses the definition of
> the DATE-OBS keyword, common sense dictates that the same rules
> govern the format of other DATExxxx keywords that have come into
> use over the years."
> 2. Replace in section 3.2:
> "'T' is the time designator."
> by:
> "The literal 'T' is the ISO 8601 time designator."
> 3. Replace in section 3.2:
> "The decimal point character is an ASCII full-stop."
> by:
> "The decimal point character is an ASCII full-stop (decimal value 46)."
> --------------------------------%<----------------------------------------

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