[Pafgbt] PAF beam spacing on the GBT for a pulsar survey

D.J. Pisano DJPisano at mail.wvu.edu
Tue Apr 13 13:59:24 EDT 2010


Traditional arrays with large gaps are inefficient at mapping small
areas of sky (comparable to the array size) due to the large amounts
of time spent off the region of interest.  In particular, from a
non-pulsar perspective, this would allow you to map the entire EVLA
primary beam out to the HPBW (not quite, but almost) in a single GBT
pointing.  This would be very nice for getting total power information
for extragalactic HI and for mapping small galactic HI fields in
addition to mapping larger areas in HI.

--D.J. Pisano

D.J. Pisano, Assistant Professor
WVU Department of Physics      phone:  304-293-3422 x1464
P.O. Box 6315                               fax:    304-293-5732
Morgantown, WV 26506 USA    djpisano at mail.wvu.edu

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