Piet Hut piet at ias.edu
Wed Jan 4 07:19:16 EST 2012

Dear MODEST colleagues,

On January 16, we will hold a one-day MODEST meeting in Tokyo, Japan.
This will be a MODEST satellite meeting, numbered MODEST-11a.

Title:   New Mathematical Techniques for High Performance Computing.


   Now that the fastest supercomputers contain millions of cores,
   software requirements for scientific computer simulations are
   dramatically different from what has been the case in the last
   half century.  Novel hugely parallel simulation techniques are
   required, and it is unclear how to develop those.  It seems best
   to throw our net widely, to investigate new compiler techniques
   as well as new mathematical approaches.  We will discuss both
   during our very informal one-day meeting.

For more information, see:




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