[MODEST] Saas-Fee 2012: Dynamics of Young Star Clusters & Associations

Richard Parker rparker at phys.ethz.ch
Fri Feb 10 03:54:03 EST 2012

Dear Colleagues,

This is the second announcement of the Saas-Fee Winter Course 2012. Please display the attached poster in your institute and distribute to interested colleagues: 42nd Saas-Fee Winter Course of the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy (SSAA) on “Dynamics of Young Star Clusters and Associations”, March 25-31, 2012, in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland.

We are pleased to announce the program for the 2012 Saas-Fee Course with a series of lectures concerning the theory and observational constraints on the dynamics of young star clusters and associations.  With the proliferation of large area photometric, radial velocity, and astrometric surveys from ground-based telescopes, the launch of Gaia planned for 2013, and the explosive increase in our capacity to simulate the dynamics of these complex systems, the time is right to visit this topic.  The school will attempt to address such questions as:

1)    How common are star-forming events of varying richness?

2)    What are the dynamical states of these events?

3)    In what sort of star-forming event did the Sun form?

4)    How can we use answers to these questions to constrain predictive theories of star formation?

These questions will be addressed by the following distinguished international faculty:

Prof. Cathie Clarke, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
Prof. Robert Mathieu, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin
Dr. Neill Reid, Space Telescope Science Institute

These schools, which began over 40 years ago, are intended for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and senior researchers interested in learning more about the topic. Registration is now open, and the places on the school are rapidly filling up. We recommend that interested persons register as soon as possible, before the deadline of February 15, 2012.  The school is limited to 100 participants.  Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland is located in the heart of the Alpes Vaudoises and provides a range of winter sport and other activities.  It will provide an excellent setting for this school.  Travel grants are available for students who also plan to attend the meeting in Grenoble“From Atoms to Pebbles: Herschel’s view of Star and Planet Formation”.  More information is available on the website:http://www.astro.phys.ethz.ch/sf2012/

Michael Meyer
(on behalf of the LOC)

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