[MODEST] Requesting statements of interest in MODEST-12

Alison Sills asills at mcmaster.ca
Wed Sep 22 15:05:22 EDT 2010

Dear MODEST astronomers,

(Apologies if you receive this email more than once).

As was mentioned at the recent MODEST-10 meeting, I am working to submit 
a proposal for MODEST-12 to the Banff International Research Station 
(www.birs.ca). This would be a 5-day workshop at a beautiful location in 
the Canadian Rockies, probably during the late spring of 2012.

In order to be successful, the proposal must list the names and 
affiliations of people who have expressed an interest in attending.

I have attached the proposal summary.

If you could possibly attend, or aren't sure but are interested, please 
reply to me with your NAME and INSTITUTION by this Sunday, September 
26th at the latest.

Thank you for your support of this MODEST initiative.



Alison Sills
Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
McMaster University

(905) 525-9140 x24189

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