[mmaimcal] ALMA: Through Disks to Stars and Planets

disk07 at nrao.edu disk07 at nrao.edu
Tue Jan 2 16:32:54 EST 2007

Dear Colleague,

On June 22-24, 2007, the North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC) at
the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and the University of
Virginia will sponsor a workshop in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
entitled "Transformational Science with ALMA: Through Disks to Stars
and Planets".


The focus of the meeting will be to discuss how ALMA will impact our 
understanding in several key areas of disk formation and evolution 

* Cores, Fragmentation and the Earliest Observable Stages of
Protostellar Disks

* The Disk*Envelope*Outflow Connection

* Low and High Mass Disk Structure

* Disk Chemistry, Kinematics, Isotopic Anomalies, Grain Growth, and

* Flaring, Spiral Density Waves, Turbulence, and Magnetic Fields in
Protostellar Disks

* Planet Formation: Fragmentation and Gaps

* Debris Disks

* Synergy between ALMA and Upcoming Optical, Infrared, and Radio
Facilities on studies of disks

It is our hope that the meeting will generate extensive discussion and
new ideas of how ALMA may be used to transform our understanding of
protostellar, protoplanetary, and debris disks. Toward this goal we
are inviting very few speakers in the traditional sense, but instead
are requesting abstract proposals to give a talk from a set of "wish
list" topics or an alternative ALMA focused disk topic of your choice
(either as a contributed talk or poster). More information is
available at


Pre-registration and Abstract submission is now available (as of
Jan. 2) and will continue until February 28, 2007.


The workshop will be held at the newly renovated NRAO headquarters and 
home of the NAASC at 520 Edgemont Rd, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. 
NRAO is located on the western side of the beautiful University of 
Virginia campus.

Information on lodging and reservations will be available soon.

Workshop Size and Registration

Due to the venue size, workshop attendance will be limited to about 70
participants, on a first come first served basis, after completion of
full registration which will begin March 15, 2007.

The registration fee will be $150 US, and will include lunch on all
three days of the meeting as well as a reception. More details will be
available when full registration opens.

Frontiers of Astrophysics: A Celebration of NRAO's 50th Anniversary

The disk workshop will take place directly after the NRAO 50th
Anniversary meeting which will also take place in Charlottesville, VA
June 17-21.


On behalf of the SOC and LOC we look forward to seeing you in
Charlottesville. Please forward to colleagues and students who may not
be on our mailing lists. Future mailings will only be sent to those
who have pre-registered.  We apologize if you receive this
announcement more than once.

For questions, please email disk07 at nrao.edu

Crystal Brogan


Dr. Crystal Brogan
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
520 Edgemont Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475

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