[mmaimcal] The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA): Implications of a Potential Descope

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Fri Jun 10 16:46:25 EDT 2005

A Report was released today by the National Academies.   The report assesses 
the impact of a possible descope of the ALMA to 40 or 50 antennas on its 
technical performance and scientific program.

I see something which looks like the report at:

Despite not achieving the level-1 requirements, a descoped array with 50 or 
40 antennas would still be capable of producing transformational results, 
particularly in advancing understanding of the youngest galaxies in the 
universe, how the majority of galaxies evolved, and the structure of 
protoplanetary disks, and would warrant continued support by the United 
States. · Furthermore, it is the committee's appraisal that a 40-antenna 
array would retain ALMA's strong support within the general astronomical 
community.  ...

Clear skies,
| Alwyn  Wootten   (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/)	 |
| Project Scientist, Atacama Large Millimeter Array/US   |
| Astronomer, National Radio Astronomy Observatory       |        
| 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475, USA |
| (434)-296-0329 voice             Help us build The ALMA|        
| (434)-296-0278 FAX               {>    {>    {>    {>  |

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