[mmaimcal][alma-sw-ssr]antenna numbering scheme

Kumar Golap kgolap at nrao.edu
Tue May 4 12:54:07 EDT 2004

Hi Bryan,

> the control software group has had a discussion on how to "number"
> antennas - the issue is whether to start with 0 (the "computerese"
> way of doing it) or to start with 1 (the "classic" way of doing it).
> all

Will it be possible to have antenna naming to be different from a
digit, say 'ALMA1' or 'ACA1' etc...

This is just to remove the confusion that may arise when especially in
the AEDF ANTENNA subtable where antenna indexing is done by the row
number which is a digit. 

So selection can be either by antenna index (as defined in the AEDF
row) or by name.



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