[mmaimcal]antenna numbering scheme

Bryan Butler bbutler at nrao.edu
Tue May 4 12:24:28 EDT 2004


the control software group has had a discussion on how to "number" 
antennas - the issue is whether to start with 0 (the "computerese" way 
of doing it) or to start with 1 (the "classic" way of doing it).  all 
current interferometers that i've had any experience with start with 1. 
  i don't know about CLIC/Gildas and GIPSY, but AIPS, AIPS++, and miriad 
all start with 1.  because of this, i've said to the control s/w group 
that we, as astronomers, would probably prefer to see things starting 
with antenna number 1.  it's not a big deal, but one they want to settle 
pretty soon, as it propagates down through the code (as a side note, 
they do not want to have a translation layer where to the astronomer it 
looks like things start at 1 whereas in the actual code they start at 0).

any comment?


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