[mmaimcal]The Budget for ALMA

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Tue Feb 3 14:45:34 EST 2004


NSF Fiscal 2005 Budget Request Is $5.745 Billion 
Foundation Director Rita Colwell says the funds will "address frontiers of knowledge and innovation that will strengthen economic growth and prosperity nationally."

The 3 percent overall increase above the fiscal 2004 amount the president recently signed into law will allow NSF to continue support of its integrative research and education investments, Colwell stated. Further, the 2005 request increases funding specifically for research and related activities by 4.7 percent over the current-year level. 

The fiscal 2005 budget also seeks funding for six major research facilities:
$49.67 million to further support the Atacama Large Millimeter Array in Chile
280 MPS Investments in Tools (Dollars in Millions) 
FACILITIES	       FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005  Change over FY2004
                                                  Amt  Per cent
Infrastructure and Instrumentation, Subtotal 
                          27.05 31.28 43.48       12.20 39.0% 
NAIC                      10.93 10.54 10.60        0.06  0.6% 
NCAR                       1.27  1.27  1.27        0.00  0.0% 
NOAO                      42.62 41.35 39.00       -2.35 -5.7% 
NRAO                      45.33 54.98 47.41       -7.57 -13.8% 
FFRDCs, Subtotal         100.15 108.14 98.28      -9.86 -9.1% 
Tools, Total            $253.57 $271.86 $274.71   $2.85  1.0%
FEDERALLY-FUNDED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTERS " Support for NRAO decreases by $7.57 million to $47.41 million following several one-time funding increments in FY 2004. First funds for early operations of ALMA, estimated at $1.0 million, will be part of NRAO operating expenditures in FY 2005.

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