[mmaimcal](no subject)

Bryan Butler bbutler at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Jul 26 19:37:31 EDT 2002

Hello all,

As you may know, we have instituted a new system of reviewing important
ALMA memos relating to calibration (see the attached descriptive email
if not).  Because there are a number of memos which have come out in
the last year or so that fit in this category, we feel it is necessary
to actually attempt to go over these historical memos as well as any
new ones which are appropriate.  You are receiving this email because
you have either specifically been identified as somebody with particular
expertise in one or more of the areas addressed in these historical 
memos, or because you are on one of the relevant ALMA calibration email
lists.  If you are identified specifically below as a potential reviewer
for one of the memos, please let me know if you are willing to accept
this responsibility.  If you are not identified specifically, please
feel free to contribute reviews of any of the memos.

Reviews will be gathered into a centralized location, and the authors
of the memos will be asked to respond to reviews, and perhaps prepare
a revised memo (although neither of these are mandatory).  If the
replies are deemed satisfactory (by the Project Scientists), the memo
will be accepted as an official one for the Calibration group, and
noted as such.  In this way, this set of memos will essentially replace
the project book as the most recent repository of information on
calibration for the ALMA project, at least in the areas which are 

Here is the list of memos and targeted reviewers, going backward in 
time, along with the list of targeted reviewers:

1 - Memo 423 - The Vane Calibration System revisited
    Guilloteau, 2002May27 (draft)

    Targeted reviewers: Steve Myers, Matt Carter, Geoff Blake

    (this draft memo may be obtained at:
     http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/mmaimcal/alma_423.pdf ).

2 - Memo 422 - The Dual-Load Calibration device revisited
    Guilloteau, 2002May23

    Targeted reviewers: Douglas Bock, Lee Mundy, Jeff Mangum

3 - Memo 427 - Antenna Position Calibration
    Wright, 2002May16

    Targeted reviewers: Robert Lucas, Ed Fomalont, Craig Walker

4 - Memo 372 - An Amplitude Calibration Strategy for ALMA
    Guilloteau, 2002May10

    Targeted reviewers: Jeff Mangum, Larry D'Addario, Mark Gurwell

5 - Memo 415 - Phase Correction using Submillimeter Atmospheric Continuum Emissi
    Matsushita et. al, 2002Apr04

    Targeted reviewers: Jose Cernicharo, Mark Holdaway, John Richer

6 - Memo 404 - Atmospheric Dispersion and Fast Switching Phase Calibration
    Holdaway & Pardo, 2001Dec19
7 - Memo 403 - Fast Switching Phase Correction Revisited for 64 12 m Antennas
    Holdaway, 2001Dec17

    Targeted reviewers: Mel Wright, Dave Woody, John Richer
8 - Memo 402 - Illumination Taper Misalignment and Its Calibration
    Holdaway, 2001Dec12

    Targeted reviewers: Richard Hills, Peter Napier

9 - Memo 352 - Design and Development of 183 GHz Water Vapour Radiometers
    Hills et al., 2001Mar

    Targeted reviewers: Dave Woody, Chris Wilson, Dick Plambeck

All of these memos except the first (draft) one may be found at the
ALMA memos web page: http://alma.aoc.nrao.edu/memos/index.html .

Again, if you are one of the targeted reviewers, please let me know if
you are willing to do this.  We would hope that you could complete your
review within a month or so.  And, if you are not one of the targeted
reviewers, please feel free to send me a review of any of the above 

        Bryan Butler
        ALMA Calibration Group Leader

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