[mmaimcal] Re: Next ACA Tiger Team telecon 1415 UT 4 Sept

Koh-Ichiro Morita morita at nro.nao.ac.jp
Tue Sep 4 09:47:59 EDT 2001

Dear Tigers.

I just made a short memo of my recent ACA imaging simulations with
"old SDE" package.  Please see at my web site.


Here is the short summary.

1. In noiseless cases, imaging qualities observed with ALMA+SD+ACA are 
better than those from ALMA+SD. 
Merit of ACA is very clear in these cases. 

2. The improvement of imaging quality by ACA strongly depends on 
thermal noise. In my simulation (snap shot mosaic), averaged S/N of 
ACA visitlities had to be more than 5 to obtain better results. 

3. Above results suggest us that science merit of ACA should be 
considered including the flux distribution of actual targets of ALMA. 

4. Noise effect of nonlinear deconvolution is not simple. 
So, we should also make such simulations with CLEAN. 

!! I did not try Stephane's new FITS file yet.

Sorry for my slow activities.


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