[mmaimcal] proto-memo

Steven T. Myers smyers at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Oct 15 17:50:04 EDT 1999

By the way, you can find the current draft to the proto-memo
"A Hackers Guide to the ALMA Correlator" on my ALMA webpage
at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~smyers/alma/ along with the poster
I presented at the DC meeting.  The memo is pretty technical still,
and some things still need to be sorted out.  Comments are

By the way, its clear that the 30-45 GHz band for ALMA is under assault,
and some memos describing the scientific drivers for inclusion of this
band will be needed.  John Carlstrom is working on one that I think
focuses on the CMBR and SZE.  A second one detailing other uses might
be in order.  Those of you with interests in this band might want to
start thinking of some good things to include.  Having been thrust
forward by the MAC as the designated 30 GHz defender at the meeting,
I guess I can coordinate to making of this memo.


|:| Steven T. Myers                      |:|  Associate Scientist      |:|
|:| National Radio Astronomy Observatory |:|                           |:|
|:| P.O. Box O                           |:|  1003 Lopezville Rd.      |:|
|:| Socorro, NM 87801                    |:|  Ph:  (505) 835-7294      |:|
|:| smyers at nrao.edu                      |:|  FAX: (505) 835-7027      |:|
|:| http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~smyers      |:|                           |:|

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