[mmaimcal] WVR meeting in tucson

Bryan Butler bbutler at aoc.nrao.edu
Thu May 27 18:40:09 EDT 1999

Hi all,

As you may have already heard, the NRAO MMA imaging & calibration group
has decided to have a meeting to discuss the current status of phase
correction via WVR.  We will have this meeting during the "Imaging at
Radio Wavelengths" conference in Tucson.  More specifically, we plan to
have this meeting at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort on Monday June 7,
from 4:30pm to roughly 6:30pm.  You are hereby invited to attend this
gathering.  Our rough agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1) Current status

   Series of 10-15 minute discussions:
      Staguhn, Woody, Welch -- MDC BIMA/OVRO efforts -- 22 GHz
      Butler -- VLA & AT efforts -- 22 GHz
      Yun, Wiedner -- 183 GHz on Mauna Kea
      Guilloteau -- 22 GHz at PdBI
      Richer -- 183 GHz at Chajnantor--European plans

2) General discussion 

   Identify missing elements of an overall implementation strategy for 
   ALMA, including, but not restricted to:


    Necessary measurements (current and future)

    Advantages and disadvantages of WVR approached through the 22 GHz 
      and 183 GHz lines


    What, if anything, should be done with the ALMA prototype 

    Derivation of the phase correction, and application to the data

    Algorithms, data tracking philosophy


This agenda is subject to change on short notice.  Please email Al
Wootten (awootten at nrao.edu) if you plan to attend this meeting, so that 
we can get an idea of how many people to expect.

	-bryan butler
	 assistant scientist
	 national radio astronomy observatory

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