[mmaimcal] Dynamic Scheduling

Simon Radford sradford at nrao.edu
Tue May 25 19:52:55 EDT 1999

What data, atmospheric or other, are necessary to carry out dynamic
scheduling intelligently and effectively? 

Remo's slides (http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/~rpt/mmaswg) have a box
labeled "conditions." What's inside this box?

At existing observatories, (Mauna Kea, VLA, Kitt Peak, BIMA, OVRO),
tippers and test interferometers originally deployed for site
characterization are used routinely as aids for observers. ESO has put
some effort into predicting observing conditions at the VLT to maximize
the telescope throughput. Will the current instrument suite at
Chajnantor (http:/www.tuc.nrao.edu/mma/site), perhaps modernized or
upgraded, suffice for dynamic scheduling decisions? What other
measurements should we consider?

Bob Brown has asked me to outline the necessary tasks, and their costs,
for the MMA cost estimate. 


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